Overcoming common challenges when teaching your child to ride a bike

common challenges learning to ride a bike teaching bike skills teaching your child how to ride a bike May 15, 2023

Teaching a child to ride a bike is a rite of passage for many parents. It's a proud moment when your child is able to pedal away on their own, but getting to that point can be a challenging process. It requires patience, encouragement, and a lot of practice (for you and your child!). Here are some common challenges parents face when teaching their child to ride a bike, and how to overcome them.

Fear of Falling:

One of the biggest challenges for kids when learning to ride a bike is fear of falling. This fear can cause them to be hesitant and make it difficult for them to find their balance. As a parent, it's important to create a safe and supportive environment for your child to learn in. Start by finding a flat, grassy area with no obstacles, such as a park or an empty parking lot. Consider using a balance bike first to help your child get comfortable with the feel of a bike.

Lack of Confidence:

Another common challenge is a lack of confidence. Some children may feel like they're not capable of riding a bike, or they may be discouraged if they don't pick it up quickly. It's important as a parent to be as patient and encouraging as possible, and to start right at the beginning. Start by setting small goals for your child, such as balancing for a few seconds while their feet are still close to the ground for safety. Celebrate each achievement and build up each learn to ride step slowly so that they can build their confidence at the same time.


Coordination is another challenge that can make learning to ride a bike difficult. Some children may struggle with pedaling and steering at the same time. To help your child build their coordination skills, encourage them to practice other physical activities, such as scooting on 2 wheels, skipping and throwing and catching a ball. These activities can help them develop the muscle memory and coordination needed for cycling.


Balance is one of the most important skills when it comes to riding a bike. Some children may struggle to find their balance, even with training wheels or a balance bike. To help your child develop their balance, encourage them to practice standing on one foot (progress exercise with eyes closed), walking on a balance beam (or garden sleeper), or even practicing yoga poses. These activities can help them develop the core strength and balance needed for learning to ride on two wheels.


Teaching a child to ride a bike requires a lot of patience. It's important to remember that every child learns at their own pace and in their own way. Be patient and supportive throughout the whole process and encourage your child to take breaks when they need to and avoid pushing them past their limit. Remember that learning to ride a bike should be a fun and positive experience and you don’t want them to give up completely.

Finding the Right Time:

Finding the right time to teach your child to ride a bike can be a challenge for any family! Some children may be more interested in biking than others, and some may be ready to start at a younger age than others. As a parent, it's important to be aware of your child's readiness and interest. If your child is hesitant, consider waiting a little longer before starting to teach them. If your child is eager to learn, start by taking small steps and building their confidence. And whatever you do, make sure you take snacks!!

Teaching a child to ride a bike is a rewarding experience for both the child and the parent. While there may be some challenges along the way, with patience, encouragement, and practice, your child will soon be pedaling away on their own. Remember to make it a positive and fun experience, and celebrate each achievement along the way.

If you have any questions about teaching your child how to ride their bike, we’d love for you to get in contact! Or check out our DIY Learn to Ride for Parents page.


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